This book is a compilation of true life-and-death crisis negotiations told through the eyes of the negotiators. By drawing on their reflections to resolve the situation, you will not only learn something transferable, but you will be inspired to be an agent of social good for the benefit of all humanity. The experiences shared here also represent excellent case studies for mental health professionals.

These riveting cases from Hong Kong are arranged and explained through a unique eight Cs model developed by one of the authors, and are complemented by a similar story from a former unit chief of behavioral science of the FBI in the USA. Self-taught acrylics artist and trained hypnotherapist Karma Castilho endows this book with a number of artworks that personify what crisis negotiators are mentally hoping to achieve through their negotiations.



This outstanding book by two experienced police officers from the Hong Kong Police Force provides an excellent examination of suicide calls that feature well over a dozen case studies of negotiations with suicidal subjects written by the cops who negotiated each crisis. This is the only crisis negotiations book I know of that features the primary negotiators who present their experience focusing on their expertise and efforts to save the life of a person who wants to die. Most of them convinced the person to live. In a few cases they kept the person occupied to cover the tactical team or departments entry. The book features thirty-six chapters broken down into eight topics; Cordon, Command, Communication, Control of Emotion, Coordination of Intelligence, Care, Commitment, and Closure. It is well worth the read.

Thomas Strentz, PhD, is a professional anti-terrorism expert specializing in hostage negotiations, negotiator instruction, and hostage survival. A veteran of twenty-one years in the FBI, he designed, developed, and directed their hostage negotiations program and is now a consultant, trainer, and expert witness. He has been involved in resolving numerous terrorist situations worldwide.
June 2022


I recommend this timely piece of wisdom written by Connie and Gilbert. I was previously the deputy commander of the Singapore crisis negotiation unit and head of training. So, speaking from experience, the Asia Pacific world has been waiting for a piece like this! We need this piece of practical and scientific wisdom about crisis negotiation. Too much of what is known about the “what works, when how and for who?” comes only from the West and whilst we learn from the West, we also need to understand the “what works” (in negotiation) from the East. So, this is a fantastic contribution. Gilbert is a close friend and professional partner in negotiation to me, and I stand in salute to his achievements as a brilliant thinker, speaker, negotiator, peer counsellor, police leader and just a remarkable human being. In Singapore and the Singapore security sector, we have learnt so much from sharing and experience of Gilbert. The book indeed covers the elements of the 8Cs in a way that is interesting, captivating and informing. I would recommend this as a core text to anyone in crisis negotiations, law enforcement and business who wants an insight into crisis management, negotiations, rapport building and how to create a kinder society for us all.

Dr Majeed Khader, PhD
Chief Psychologist of the Singapore Ministry of Home Affairs
Associate Professor (Adj), Nanyang Technological University,
Senior Mentor to the Singapore Police Crisis Negotiation Unit.
June 2022


“Truth is stranger than fiction”. Never more so from the unique perspective of one of the most admired and experienced crisis negotiators. This book provides an amazing insight to those who work in this little known arena. All with the aim of saving lives. A wonderful read.

Neil Stapley, OBE, former head of New Scotland Yard Hostage & Crisis Negotiator Unit.
June 2022


When I met Gilbert, one of the authors of the International Negotiator’s Working Group in Paris in 2012, what inspired me was how much he incarnates his motto “who cares wins”. Throughout the relationship with his team and the complex negotiation cases we discussed, he always used these three words as his “home base” to start his strategic thinking. Our conversations have been very inspiring since his passion to find in the mind of people what would make them change their decision without the use of force. Both of us worked hours to seek for angles on the supposition that if we change the vision of someone, we change his behaviour, with his consent. Thank you Gilbert for your enlightening book. I would recommend it to all crisis negotiation courses as a must-read textbook.

Eric Blondeau is an expert in decision-making and performance optimization. He specialized in behavioural mechanisms and complex negotiations / Reserve officer Groupe d’intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale (GIGN) – National Negotiation Cell
June 2022


Even though reading this book many thousands of miles away in Israel, I still feel a profound sense of camaraderie with the negotiators in these true stories that is grounded in our mutual belief in the sanctity of life. Gilbert subtly blends a combination of rigorous research and practical application with compassion for those in crisis that makes for a captivating read. I had the pleasure of observing at first hand the work done by Gilbert and his teams during a recent duty visit that I was able to vividly recall as I turned these pages. The book explains real life crisis negotiation scenarios using Gilbert’s Eight Cs model that is really pragmatic, professional and insightful.

Offer Shahar, Chief Superintendent
Commander of the Crisis Negotiation Unit of the Israel Police
June 2022